Hearts breaking …

We may be far from home, but we are closely watching the news and our hearts are breaking, a little more each day, as the devastation and tragic consequences of the fires in the North Bay continue. We have friends and family directly affected and I think I can say that about everyone I know. And, this on the heels of the latest mass shooting in Vegas. Makes you want to run around screaming “The sky is falling!” like Henny Penny. I can’t remember the moral of the Chicken Little story, but I hope that all the black clouds of late will reveal some silver linings.

The Cities That Have Risen from Ruins

One Reply to “Hearts breaking …”

  1. It is hard to believe the damage of the fires and the loss of lives.
    One of my friends is collecting clothing and diapers and money that she will be personally taking to Santa Rosa tomorrow and giving it to a Daughter that lost her home and many of her friends that are in the same predicament. The fire jumped a six lane freeway…hard to believe ! Santa Rosa looks like a bombed area….terrible.

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